Once you’ve selected your targeted skill(s), then you will need to create 4-5 challenges. Think about using quizzes you’ve already created and bundling them together to create the various tasks of the escape room. This will help focus the tasks you create to open each lock.

Just like with every assignment you create, the first step is to begin with the end in mind and decide which skills you would like to assess using the escape room. Here’s how you can create your very own digital escape rooms using Google Forms! Step One: Select a Skills Focus I turned it into a Super Mario Brothers’ themed game where each lock represented defeating a villain from the old original Super Mario Brothers game (because I’m a child of the 80s, and this is my only video game reference- lol!). For this digital escape room, I created five separate tasks that target literary devices and close reading skills in order to derive the passwords needed to unlock each digital lock. So, I got to work and created my very first digital escape room, which you can find for sale here.

Escape rooms are all the rage among students today! I will admit that I was slow to jump on the bandwagon due to the time constraints I have as a teacher to commit to building one of these, but then I learned about digital escape rooms using Google Forms and decided to give it a try! I found that these were fairly easy to create and didn’t require many supplies such as locks, boxes, maps, etc.